
Apply! Ban Ki-Moon Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program

Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation - cleanbuild
Credit: bankimooncentre.org

Despite their vulnerability, women can be more than victims of climate change. When empowered, they can become active and effective agents and promoters of climate adaptation and mitigation.

In light of this, the Ban Ki-Moon Center has opened applications for the Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program to foster the leadership of African young women.

About the program

The Online Executive Training is a virtual, female-focused educational and capacity-building program that aims to induce and realize sustainable solutions that build resilience to the changing climate. This will be achieved by fostering knowledge on climate adaptation, elevating the leadership skills of African women, and connecting them to professional networks.

The Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program will showcase the ripple effects of investing in women which leads to effective climate adaptation on local, regional, and national levels.

Hosted fully virtually on an exclusive online learning platform the part-time training program will spread over 20-weeks between October 2021 to March 2022. The participants will be taken through a blended learning approach combining group live sessions on Zoom and self-learning tools including videos, audio recordings, text resources, links, quizzes, and assignments.


By the end of this training, participants will:

  • Have developed advanced skills set for confident and effective leadership.
  • Have gained the knowledge and confidence to effectively communicate about and advocate for climate adaptation.
  • Know how to plan and propose gender-sensitive adaptation projects.
  • Have gained confidence in building up their professional networks pursuing a career in the climate adaptation sector.
What to expect
  • Core knowledge about gender-sensitive climate adaptation
  • Leadership capacity-building
  • Project management coaching
  • Networking and career guidance
Eligibility requirements

To participate in the Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program, you must

  • Hail from any of these countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe
  • Be between the ages of 20 to 35
  • Possess a Bachelor’s degree and higher
  • Demonstrate a passion for climate action leadership skills
  • Have a strong and reliable internet connection and proficient level of English
  • Be willing to attend the webinar sessions regularly (90-120 minutes, 1-2 times a week; weekdays; afternoon) and be able to commit the equivalent of 2 days a month for the course duration
  • Complete assignments on time and show active participation in the live sessions and peer-to-peer review tasks
  • Be ready to develop a project that integrates climate adaptation and its gender-related implications.

Applications close Sunday, September 26, 2021. Click here to apply and here to download the program brochure.

Register Today!

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