Startups in Africa and Asia that are addressing the effects of climate change, including heatwaves, flooding, drought, storm surges, or sea-level rise, are...
Category - Opportunities
Have you ever wanted a chance to pitch your creative/applicable solutions that can help address water-related challenges? If so, why not apply for the World...
UNIFOR, a European non-profit organization, is inviting applications for the Minor Foundation for Major Challenges (MFMC) Small and Large Grant that is...
With the recognition that renewable energy offers limitless potentials among which is solving the energy poverty, there’s a budding interest in the...
Rather than just being the go-to place for hunting games, Forests act as a stabilizing force for the climate especially during this global fight against...
The ocean which makes up 71% of the planet provides many services to humans from mitigating weather extremes to generating the oxygen we breathe, to producing...
Africa’s energy demand is projected to increase by 80% through 2030. As such, meeting this demand is critical to sustainable economic development and the...
Climate change is a global challenge that especially calls for cross-border international collaborations. In view of this, the Alexander von Humboldt...
The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation is inviting climate action nonprofits all over the world to apply for its next set of Accelerator Program Grants. The...
The state-owned Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), have launched a call for proposals to provide financing to...